Tuesday 17 May 2016

Urgent update regarding Fuel

Since the ride-out was planned the owners of the fuel filling station have decided to close it, demolish it and redevelop the site ! The ride WILL STILL BE GOING AHEAD AS PLANNED however as the petrol station has been demolished, there will be NO FUEL FOR SALE on-site at the start location. Please fill up before you arrive at the start location.

Thank you.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Friday 29 April 2016

2016, the next Big Ride Out

The Leicestershire Big Ride out is back !

Following on from great success of previous BIG RIDE OUT's the event returns on Sunday May the 22nd 2016 for another day of fun in support of some great charities.

The same team from Leicester's De Montfort Rotary club have put together another great ride through some of Leicestershire's finest motorcycling roads for a chance to meet like minded riders and get our into the fresh air and raise some much-needed cash for some very deserving charities.

So pump up the tyres and check the oil, dig out the leathers and join us for a fun morning. Meeting at 09:00 am to start the ride-out at 10:00 am.

Meeting at the rear of the Petrol station (by McDonalds) on the A6 roundabout in Market Harborough. You can't miss it, the island has two huge lock gates on it.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Leicester & Rutland Blood Bikes

One of the charities supported by THE BIG RIDE OUT this year will be the Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes. For those of you that have not heard of the blood bikes and their great work they are a team of volunteers who give up their spare time to collect, transport an deliver vital medical supplies, including blood, between hospitals for the NHS. They do this in an entirely voluntary capacity with no monetary support from government or the NHS fundraising to pay for bikes, fuel, insurance etc.

There is lots of information for those wishing to donate or volunteer their time on the Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes website at http://www.lrbloodbikes.org.uk/